Check out our registration page to preregister!
We also accept on site registration with an additional $25 fee.
The show starts at 9:00am. The first clear round/warm up period opens at 7:30 am and closes at 8:45 am. The jumps will be set as crossrails for the morning session. Your $10 show fee covers you riding in both the morning and afternoon clear round/warm up periods. The afternoon session will have all jumps set at 2'. There is a small ring
The show starts at 9:00am. The first clear round/warm up period opens at 7:30 am and closes at 8:45 am. The jumps will be set as crossrails for the morning session. Your $10 show fee covers you riding in both the morning and afternoon clear round/warm up periods. The afternoon session will have all jumps set at 2'. There is a small ring to flat in that is open all day. The judge will be Lou Steinford
Click below to view our show courses and patterns for the September show.
The RRP exists to facilitate placement of Thoroughbred ex-racehorses in second careers by increasing demand for them in equestrian sports and serving the farms, trainers, and organizations that transition them.
Barnyard Bistro will be onsite offering a variety of options for breakfast and lunch.
Don't forget to stop by our junior board table where we will have some snacks and drinks available for purchase as well.
Please only park trailers at the bottom of the hill near the arena. All cars should be parked in the parking lot at the top of the hill.
The shows are held at Schooley Mill Park 12975 Hall Shop Rd, Highland, MD 20777
There will be a water tank that the park provides for horses available, please bring your own buckets and ensure your horses are getting plenty of water. The park does allow any bathing of horses with the water from the tank.
Please bring your own pitchfork and bucket to collect hay and manure from around your trailer. If your horse poops in the parking area somewhere other than around your trailer you are still responsible for cleaning it up. If you need to borrow a pitchfork or wheelbarrow, please ask us at the entry table.
Schooley Mill Park provides port-a-potties that are available for everyone to use.
Registration will be opening soon on Please keep checking our show registration page and facebook for updates!